Daily struggles and unfulfilled wishes


I know that I might sound immature to some extent, talking about my everyday struggles because a lot of us have to deal with way more tough problems in our lives but here it goes anyway.

The biggest fight that I put up with every day is the one that I’ve with myself, starting right from the second I wake up in the morning, to the moment I go to sleep knowing that I lost the person who promised to put up with me for the rest of eternity. Knowing that I can never see him or hug him again. Knowing that a part of me died with him and that I’ll carry that pain in my heart forever shatters me into pieces sometimes.

If there’s a hell on earth for me, this is it. A world without my father. A lot of you might feel I’m exaggerating right now but I wish I was. 

Sometimes I can’t sleep at night because the only picture in my head is one of my father’s last moments in the ICU. A moment that I never imagined would come so soon. 

The thing that hurts me the most is the fact that he waited for a miracle to happen until his very last second.

I had so much faith in him. Believed that, his faith in himself will go against all odds and we would be one big happy family again. He made me believe in the power of positive thinking. He acted as if he was all healthy and happy and not a stage four pancreatic cancer patient. And my dumb self fell for his act. 

I actually thought there was hope and that ray of hope was the only thing that kept me going for the entire year he struggled with cancer. He always believed that God would never be so unfair to him because all he has ever tried to do is earn people’s blessings. 

Cancer was once just a word we were scared of, but now it’s an experience that I can never forget no matter what I try. I’ll never move on from this loss because he can never be replaced. But with time I’ll probably learn how to pull myself through those helpless moments that make me heartache.


I know we are not immortals but I just wasn’t ready for life to be so cruel to him. I saw him die bit by bit every day and in the process, I lost every inch of hope I ever had in anything good.

I don’t mean to sound pessimistic but now when something good happens, I’m just too skeptical about it because I know it’s momentary just like everything else in my life. 

All the good things in life are very temporary, but what isn’t temporary is pain, remorse, and guilt. Guilt that I could have been a better daughter. Guilt that we could have stopped things from getting way out of hand. And the list goes on and on.

Some say the whole experience has changed me, but YES it has, from my very core. I’ve seen death. The one fear that keeps everyone alive. And when that happens to a loved one, parts of you vanish into thin air with them. I pray for everyone to be just healthy and happy. I honestly just wish that no one ever gets to see what cancer does to a person and their family.

I know that I’m never gonna get him back or the part of me that I lost but sometimes I just wish I could. I just wish I could go on that bike ride that he once promised me or that I could hear stories about his life that he stored for all the right moments in the future. Sometimes I just wish I got those morning scoldings from him again or if I could just taste his famous and my very favorite mutton curry one more time.

Back when I started writing as a kid, it was a silly time passed that I lost touch with. He always encouraged me to continue but I just couldn’t seem to find the right inspiration. Years later, he’s the one I’m writing about. Or should I say he’s the one I write for because he probably would have wanted me to?


And the reason why I’m sharing this today is to let you all know that not every story ends on a happy note. Some have not-so-happy endings and those are actually the ones we have to live with for the rest of our lives. This was one of those but I hope all of us find the courage in ourselves to live through all such unexpected endings that are yet to come in our life.

Yours Truly,


And dad wherever you are today, I just want to tell you that I miss you more and more every day and I just wish you were here. 
With all the love in the world,


  1. This is beautiful, Hiya. You’re a strong, young woman. Stay happy, stay safe. :)

  2. You're strong and bold. Keep up the good work!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️

  3. I can relate to the struggles you've and you know about it. Thankyou for sharig this story of yours. :))

  4. The writing displays that you are very strong and bold,And now you have enough maturity for handling any situation. That's really great.

  5. Having known your dad as a colleague and a good friend I can very well relate to every word that you have written. I have seen his zeal for life. But Hiya, let me tell you that people we love never really go away from us. Yes we do miss them physically but they make their presence felt . You are a brave girl who is trying to be strong too. Lots of love, hugs and kisses to my dear Hiya from Bijoya Jethai

  6. I do know what say sam amazing writing but am also sorry for everything your going throw and I wish i could do more or be their with you by yours as friends. But am with you in spirit and am sorry once again life is never fair

  7. I do know what say sam amazing writing but am also sorry for everything your going throw and I wish i could do more or be their with you by yours as friends. But am with you in spirit and am sorry once again life is never fair

  8. Having known your dad closely as my younger brother,I can very well feel and understand your emotional upheavals.It's true that your dad is no more around you physically but he is in your inner world every single moment to inspire and guide you in your journey towards attainment of excllence and glory.You are a brave young lady to make your dad feel proud of one day..

  9. Your father, my Sir

    Was not merely an officer and a gentleman but a true blue artist. He was a bundle of joy, creativity and absolute innovativeness. His thinking was out of the box always. Where others stumbled in fear, he leaped high with faith. His devotedness to both his kids , baidew and to his state was exemplary... He was an epitome of perfection. He was not a man, never merely a man but a blessing. And the way you have written only proves that you are your father's daughter. Proud of you and Yes! He lives... Amongst us all !!!

  10. Hiya ma ..so beautiful ❤❤❤👌👌👌

  11. This is so beautifully written hiya❤

  12. What an accomplished writing skill you have Hiya....❤ I am a big fan of your writing. And yes, Baba da will be very much pleased to see the way his daughter has woven the words so beautifully...with lots of love snd kisses
    Aimanu pehi

  13. Hiya... I can see a strong person growing in you. I lost my father when I was 4. May I didn't realise but felt same all through the life!!! Want to see stronger you inspired by him. Always!!

  14. you are his best daughter. he will be always proud of you.take care of your mom and brother. death is unpredictable and we need to face it and move on..stay strong.

  15. Hiya I really love you bcoz you are BEAUTIFUL Anjel....God a nd Dad blessing always with You...You Are Strong Girl...😍

  16. You have recorded, organised your thoughts and feelings about Deuta and family as a shared space of affection and warmth from which everyone has drawn resources and more importantly you have been able to give expression to them so well ... Hiya your name captures the range and depths and attenuation of human store house of care, love and warmth...the spirits of Deuta are alive in your creativity...just do not be afraid of anything in life...and give a free rein to your ideas and feelings in all your creative activities...there is nothing greater than self-fulfilment... oneday I am sure you would reach your own plateau...

  17. Hiyaa, when i lost my father i was going through same turmoil and i still can’t get over ICU moment, I still cannot get over guilt to be a better daughter... wished I could have been more responsible, useful... but then my little nephew told me that nanaji is gone but naniji is still here... we should look after her... and i was shaken .. yes her loss is far far greater ... and yes she is part of papa as he could not see her in pain.At that moment I decided that whatever I couldn’t do for papa i will do for my Mom ... i will take care of her, give her world of happiness and will not let her feel lost in loss of her life ... i still do , and i know my father is happy as i am doing whatever he wanted

  18. Dear Hiya,
    You have put in your feelings so beautifully. You really have the makings of great writer.
    I too lost my father at a young age and the pain is still there and so are the memories of his quiet confidence and faith in me and my abilities.
    You are a good daughter and keep being so. Your father is looking from up there and is proud of you. Lots of love to you, your mother and brother.💗

  19. Dear Samadrita,this isn't an ending.Your father may not be physically present but he's still watching over you from heaven.
    You've a long way to go,to fulfill your dreams.The sorrow of losing your father might never leave you,the hollowness will be there.Forever.But you can't let that break you.Your father will want you to be happy even though he's not there.Whereever you go he'll there for you, showering his love and protecting you.
    Sending you lots of good wishes for your future.💌

  20. Dear Samadrita,this isn't an ending.Your father may not be physically present but he's still watching over you from heaven.
    You've a long way to go,to fulfill your dreams.The sorrow of losing your father might never leave you,the hollowness will be there.Forever.But you can't let that break you.Your father will want you to be happy even though he's not there.Whereever you go he'll there for you, showering his love and protecting you.
    Sending you lots of good wishes for your future.💌


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