Indian beauty standards ft. Me

As a kid, I was very insecure about one of the many things that I was born with, MY COMPLEXION. It is darker than what most of my close relatives have. I got it somewhere from my mom's side. On the other hand, my brother got what you call the milky-fair complexion as a baby (though he doesn't have it anymore because he loves swimming). Both of us were compared when we met new people. It was colorism/racism that we faced in the very sense of the word. The biggest problem was that people with such behavior don't realize what they were doing. 

Indian society afterall*sigh*

I still remember the 6yr old me staring myself at in the mirror and asking myself,' Will I be ever considered "BEAUTIFUL"?' "BEAUTIFUL" here means having that milky white complexion which is the ideal concept of beauty that most Indians carry. There was a time when being a dark person in India was no less than a tragedy. I witnessed that at an early age in life. The racist TV ads were fuel to the fire inside of me. I started to do EVERYTHING I could to "FIT IN". 

Henceforth I realized, I'm a misfit. I've my own set of flaws and I'll learn to embrace them. When I started getting used to this, a new problem came up, my body. 

Once I was too thin and then I'm not that perfect hourglass-figured girl anymore. Everything is a problem. Tons of stupid questions came my way but none of them bothered me. But unknowingly I became very conscious about my complexion and my body. I cried myself to sleep for uncountable nights just because I started feeling like I do not belong to this world or I'm not meant to be here. 

From an over-enthusiastic extrovert, I became a mysterious introvert observing everything in and around her. I observed how different we are from each other in our own unique way. This took a while to realize but I understood EVERY living creature is unique no matter how thin or thick they are or no matter how broad their shoulders are or no matter if they don't look like those billboard models out there or if they are a little differently abled than us. 

What I believe makes a person truly beautiful or handsome is if they've made people around them happy with their actions. 

Actions done out of compassion are the truest beauty there is and indeed the rarest. Looks won’t last but if you have got a heart of gold and have spread compassion. 


By yours truly.


  1. You have written how I feel, even if I can't express... It's eloquent I like it... .. .

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Such a beautiful summing up of the write up. We are quick to judge, most of us are prone to this habit but we should rather believe in interacting on the premises of humanity. Treating others with respect, irrespective of age and gender is a reflection of self worth. I wish you all the best in your life Samadrita. As an Uncle, I am always there, whenever you need me. Sending you a big bouquet of blessings!


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