You and your loved ones are the only people who know what kind of a person you truly are and what experiences you’ve survived to be that person.

As I said, RESPECT YOURSELF. It is such an important skill. Do not be anywhere where you’re made to feel unwanted. Do not be anywhere near demotivating and toxic people. Please let go of that friendship or relationship that destroys your inner peace or at the least distance yourself from them. Do not let yourself go through the negativity that YOU KNOW WOULD DESTROY YOU. You do not deserve that.

We are responsible for ourselves and it’s about time we take that responsibility. We can’t choose what situations we face in life but we can definitely take precautions so that we’re not in that situation in the first place.

Also, negativity and pain are two, completely different things. Pain makes you a stronger person whereas avoiding it, will only fill you with negativity.

Without pain, I’d have been a totally different person and I don't know if that person would have been mature enough to write about stuff.

You can’t avoid negativity but you can choose how it affects you.
You can’t skip the painful experiences that life makes you go through but you can make yourself live through it and come out of it as a stronger being.

By yours truly.


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