Life as we know it

Life is C R U E L . Probably more cruel than we can ever imagine.
All this might sound a little too superficial coming from a mere soon-to-be-18yr old but the fact is, we can never plan life.

Over the past year, I've seen life, like really seen it. Life is full of betrayals, pain, losses, and heartaches which makes me feel empty. Every second feels so different without having him around. I'm alive yet empty, I'm smiling but dead inside, I say I'm fine but I'm not.

I can't feel anything at times and I just feel awful about it.  Out of nowhere, I've had moments that have made me rethink about what is my definition of life. I'm not that happy-go-lucky messenger of positivity anymore. 

Death changes things, a lot of things in my case. I lost that one person whom I always looked up to and adored the most. I don't know how I will overcome this but I don't think I ever will. 
One damn year, changed my whole life, C U T E.
Never knew that life would be this brutal but deep down I know the worse is yet to come. 
A part of me wishes I could just go back and change what has already happened but I'm aware of the truth that it can't be so. I feel confused, lost, and helpless. 
I see my vision of life-shattering into pieces and I can't do shit about it.

Losing a loved one is not just an event in life but it's a whole different perspective on life & I'm yet to find mine.

Between the great happy days and the scary thunderous nights, L I F E happened. 
A mere teenager who’s yet to live her life.


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