Social Media and its lies

On one hand, it is the reason why people develop an image of perfection in their minds. Beauty standards and shit. On the other hand, it tells you it's okay if you don't fit in it." It's okay if you're not perfect".If you're a person with the so-called perfectly proportionate body then social media is your BFF. Millions of compliments saying "perfection"," gOaLs", etc comes your way but if not, then you're the targeted customer of all the beauty products ever made. Why so?

True beauty is when you understand it is more important to have a bigger heart than a bigger a**, it is more sensible to have a fuller soul than fuller lips and it's more righteous to have the right amount of maturity in your mind than having the right amount of makeup on your face.

 Don't mind me I might sound a bit oldskool here but if you don't have a good and intriguing personality then what is the point of it all? Makeup is an art. I truly appreciate art. If putting it on makes you feel good, DO IT. But remember, irrespective of that makeup, it's your soul and personality that can capture people's hearts and minds, nothing else. These days I see guys going through shits as well coz supposedly they don't look masculine enough. TREAT EVERY WOMEN RIGHT and that's what will actually make you a MAN, a gentleman indeed. I've seen girls and boys falling prey to various eating disorders because of such nonsensical what-ifs. But remember, you don't have to have six-pack abs or a thin or chubby body or have to be a gym freak or an Ig model. It's okay if your social media are showered with hate comments or if you don't have a flat tummy (like me) or you're not that popular kid at school. In spite of all these haves and have not's you're still the epitome of perfection. You're brave if you know that you're amazing irrespective of what your body shape is. You're kind if you don't let that negative energy destroy your positivity. And we ALL love you if you didn't let that bitchy version of social media get to you.
By yours truly.


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