The perfect hoax of a perfect life

There's no such thing called perfection and the moment we realise that this world would really be a better place to live in.

As a teenager, I have always dreamt about having this so called normal life just as all other fellow individuals believe in. The household and the society that i was brought up in was one of the biggest influences on how I perceived life. I thought certain things are supposed to be done in a certain way and namely all other stereotypes possible.

A few months back, life happened, I had the biggest plot twist of my life and it changed me on a fundamental level. I started to realise what life really is.

Just when I thought my life would be a little close to normal, I got played. I'm still learning to cope but yes I'm becoming more immune to it with every passing day.

My mom always told me that life is never always all rainbows and unicorns, it's also the moments when we are at our lowest and yet striving to be better. 

EVERY person you'll ever come across is fighting their own battles that we don't know about and the least we can do is not judge them because of it so easily & we tend to ignore the fact that the skinny guy or the so called fatty in class might be suffering through serious health problems or the lively one at the party might have a family member who has cancer or the most fun girl at school might've lost one of her parents recently, YOU NEVER KNOW. 

You. Never. Know. If. Tomorrow. Will.  Be.  In.  Your. Favour. Don't dwell in the hoax of perfection, live for those imperfect moments which make it worth living. Live the moments you have right now, because there might be people out there who might kill to have that. And life is never perfect. Live with no regrets. Make your life a legacy because after you there will be people who'll remember you and make sure you give them something worth cherishing. Embrace the gorgeous mess that you are, because you are YOU and there's no one like YOU. 
S T A Y  P U T &
L I V E  O N:)
By yours truly.


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