To the someone, you never knew you'd miss one day

Have you ever really missed someone whose absence still scares you of the unknown future? The one who made a thousand promises to be there with you through it all.

Are you aware of what it’s like to ever miss someone so much so that you would do almost anything to get them back? Without a second thought.
Do you know what it’s like to feel the void they left behind?
The void which feels like a physical part of you but isn’t.

Remember what it feels like to long for the person who effortlessly made you feel at home, the one who protected you with all their love, and warmth?

Can you ever listen to their favorite music or eat their favorite food without missing them a lot more than you usually do? or without the urge of breaking down into a million pieces?

Do you remember those moments when you’ve had to make your heart understand that they’re gone? 

Have you ever missed someone so bad that you wish you could travel back in time and make things better?

Are you familiar with the feeling of missing someone who’s never coming back? No matter what you say or do.

Do you know what it feels like when they take a part of you with them? 
A part of you that you didn’t know existed and now, is nowhere to be found. 

Do you remember those moments when you felt like changing every part of yourself just so missing them didn’t feel like a knife stabbed through your heart?

Have you missed someone so much so that you felt helpless for not being able to do anything about it?

Do you wish if you never met them? 

Just so, your heart would ache a little lesser, and carrying your soul wouldn’t feel so heavier. 

Have you ever missed someone but had to fight with yourself to accept that you do? 
You miss them a lot more than you ever thought was humanly possible.

Have you ever missed that one person you thought would be there with you till the end?

Have you ever missed that someone you never knew you’d miss one day?

Months have passed by and all my heart craves for is, to know, if he misses us just as much as we do. 

Yours truly,


  1. Touching !! Yes it hurts when an important person of our life is taken away from us . It almost feels like a part of our physical body isn’t there . But remember he will always be there as a guiding angel throughout your life . ✨✨


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